bases rules

Before you progress, please read these rules.
  1. All contents herein are not to be used unless you link the image back to the main page of this site (this page here). Do not link to the bases page or any other page of the site.
  2. I love and worship and encourage base edits. This, however, is NOT license to frankendoll. I don't mind if you completely mutilate my base, but don't make an entirely new base from it/traced off it and claim it as your own. Not cool, my friend. Not cool.
  3. It's fine to send these to your friends, so long as they will also be linking back to me. It is not, however, cool to post them on your own site. Don't do that.
  4. If you have an edit you really like, feel free to send it to me and I may include it here. There's contact info on my about page.

Thank you! You may progress to the bases.